August 6th Assignment

1. Would you support the development of a "bionic" person?
I am not certain what is meant with this question... I could take it two ways. Bionic person could mean a robot, Artificial Intelligence, in which case I am absolutely against this technology. I feel like we seem to be unable to grasp the lesson that there are always negative, unintended consequences to our newly adopted technologies and the potential negative consequences of AI seem to outweigh any positives. For example: I can see the potential outcome being AI that becomes more intelligent than humans and take us over, subjugating us en masse.
      On the other hand, if I take this question to mean a human who has more than one bionic limb, I am not necessarily opposed to this reality. I still feel skeptical to the technology and feel that it is a waste of our human ingenuity and earthly resources to dive down this technological rabbit hole. Then again, who am I to deny someone accessibility?

2. Would your view change if this were for a military purpose?
      My point of view would only become more oppositional. War is killing off humans around the world right now and is the leading cause of human and earthly exploitation. To what benefit other than greed and megalomania would AI or bionic limbs serve the war apparatus? My ambivalent no would become a resounding hell no.


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